
74 results for 'Pulsar Krypton'

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  • Does NIGHT VISION or THERMAL work in DAYLIGHT? (Post)

    Does Digital Night Vision Work in Daylight?Digital night vision does work during the day, however, some devices have a lens cap that you have to put on with a tiny hole in the middle so that not too ...

  • Product Review - CONOTECH Tracer 50 LRF Thermal Monocular (Post)

    Just after we all thought the thermal market had reached its peak in terms of competition, yet one more player arrives on the scene!Conotech are one of the newest Chinese companies to enter the fray ...

  • Product Review - InfiRay CABIN SERIES thermal monoculars (Post)

    One of the latest thermal spotters from InfiRay is the big brother in the Cabin Series collection, but first, let’s look at the original!This compact unit is a bit different to most, as it seems ...

  • How Does NIGHT VISION Work? (Post)

    What is TRADITIONAL Night Vision?Traditional night vision is also referred to as starlight night vision which is generally used by the military. Or at least has been developed by the military and fro ...